My Story

This Is Your Time to Shine!

You must have at least one story of a vacation trip to Maine.

If you are willing to SHARE that story, it may give inspiration to someone visiting Maine for the first time to go where you went, or see what you saw, or do what you did.  Or maybe avoid something that happened to you.

You don’t have to write the Great American Novel, but maybe you could include the following:

  • your first name(s) and where you are from (city, state, country)
  • when you made your visit to Maine
  • why you traveled to Maine
  • some of the places you visited
  • places you ate
  • activities you did – kayaking, fishing, shopping, sightseeing, whale-watching
  • did you go leaf-peeping? moose looking (did you see one?)
  • did you go hiking, climb a mountain, swim in a lake, visit a lighthouse?
  • maybe you ate a LOBSTER or lobster roll
  • and anything else you find relevant, exciting or educational.
  • maybe what you would do next time.

Well, you get the idea. Before traveling to a new area, people do research, and your story will excite their minds with possibilities they may not have thought about.  Maine is such a vast State it would take a thousand 2-week visits to see and experience most of it.  Keep an eye out for some of the other stories and learn what you could do when you visit again.

Story length should be no more than about 1500 words, unless you just can’t contain yourself. Please submit all stories in a Microsoft Word document attached to an email sent to “” All stories will be reviewed before posting and any personal information will be removed.

All stories become the property of Maine Inner Circle LLC and all personal information will be removed before being published.

Your email address will be added to the newsletter list to keep you informed whenever important information pops up.  If you decide you don’t want the news, just click the “unsubscribe” button.

If you choose not to share your story with us, please sign up for our thrilling, suspense-filled monthly (or more often) newsletter that provides news and information about happenings in Maine. We will try to fill it up with other bits to tantalize your travel passions for the State of Maine.